
Search for places

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Adresilo running on an Android phone

What is it and how does it work?

Search for places using natural language, then tap one of the icons on the right of a search result. The leftmost icon is Copy. Tapping it puts the place's coordinates in your clipboard for pasting into a calendar event, sending to a friend, etc. The middle icon is Share and opens Android's Share Sheet so you can send the place's name, address, and coordinates to other apps or contacts. The rightmost icon is Open. Tapping it opens the coordinates in any installed app that knows how to handle geo: Intent URIs. That includes e.g. Organic Maps, OsmAnd, Google Maps, Waze, and more.


Keys are prepaid and never expire. After payment, you'll receive a 10-character key to paste into any number of apps on any number of devices. Apps can store multiple keys at once and will use them in order of fewest to most queries remaining.

500 queries
1000 queries
2000 queries
4000 queries


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